February 04, 2016

Thank You Moon.

I loved the view of that moon, real mooooooon. She was so clear, so beautiful, really an artistic piece, shining clearly just above the milky river -silently flowing with white and green water. The moon looked so near to me as if I could touch her with my hands, embrace her and caress her. Like me, all other people were lost in her beauty, the real beauuuuuuty. They were sitting on the bench by the side of the river and kept watching her continuously, there is no chance to look on the other direction. All were mesmerized by that view, all were so in love with her, an immense looooove. Only at that time, I realized why people worshiped moon for her beauty, only at that time I realized why moon is the only symbol of beauty. She is eternal, she is really a charm-the bright and shining, amazingly beautiful. Thank you moon for coming so elegantly and beautifully in my dream and letting me realize the eternal beauty.

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