April 17, 2012

AGE---Chronological,Biological or Psychological??

The quote by Yoko Ono -'Some people are old at 18 and some are young at 90- time is a concept that human created' - is really an interesting and worthy quote to think about. To me time is always a relative approach and a scaling factor that people created with respect to the position of the earth from the sun and they measure it with respect to a standard measurement scale. So time is not an absolute concept, it is a relative. As such all the things in the world are relative, every action or every incident we measure, every people or every behavior we see, every instant or every incidents we come across; we evaluate them relatively. We say one is good because there exists some other things which are worse than that. So when there is no comparison, there is no grading and there is no measurement, when there is no reference.

Since time is what we humans have introduced, people can change the time as they wish. The intital idea of day-light saving time by George Vernon Hudson in 1895 is an example to this incident. The main concept there was to utilize the availble sunlight more in the evening than in the morning, as majority of the people is asleep early in the morning. I presented this just to remind that there has been incidents to change the time, i mean to change the measure of the time, in the world. 

Yoko Ono has talked about the age in this context, and age refers to how much time one has spent in the earth or how much time one has spent being alive. The bitter truth of life is that one has to die for sure after spending certain duration or as Shakespeare once said after playing one's role in the stage named as 'Earth'. As long as the individual is in the stage, he is said to be alive and he keeps on performing different roles- all believe the roles are directed by a director who is always unseen. I believe, every living organism, here, has some self -learning capability and some self-defense ability which are keeping them alive. Whatever still I feel it is very hard to define life and the existence.

The other aspect of relativity we want to discuss from the quote is the term 'young'. I remember some great people (a yogi), once said there are two categories of age- one is the biological age and the other is the chronological age. Biological age means how fit we are and how we actually look and feel for the other people and to oneself. Chronological age means duration we have spent as a living being, measured from the day of our birth. I see here the term 'young' and 'youth' , more with reference to the biological age than  with chronological age. Youth, to me, remains until we have feelings that we are able to do almost everything and we seem ever active and energetic. I say a person is young if he is fit and healthy and if he thinks as a young. I would like to propose here three times thatn two times- Biological age, Psychological age and the Chronological age. Many people do not know the reference to measure the biological age and the psychological age and I am also unaware of it . But I believe biologists and psychologists have already proposed some reference measurements of the biological and the psychological ages. 

Though chronologically one is 18 or 90, he can be old or young depending upon his biological and psychological standings and the growth. So the age we talk about does not completely measure a person. It can't completely say if a person is young or old but it is the truth that as the chronological age increases, the biological and psychological age also increases. However I people one can retain the biological and psychological age as one wishes, but there is no way of retaining the chronological age, it passes by. 

I have a feeling that one can be young and old as he or she wishes- the psychological age and feelings play a role here. Psychologically one can ever remain young and biologically one can tend to remain young but its not possible always to keep your body engine the same as ever. However, as man gets much older chronologically both biological and psychological ages increase, though the rate of increasing differs from a person to the other person. Some yogis, they remain biologicall fit and active and psychologically well till they are chronologically very old and some people even live for more than 100 chronological years which is the upper bound of human age.

This article is just my personal random feelings over the above photo i found on the internet. So if somebody finds it illogical or nonsense, i am sorry for that. They are completely my feelings and have nothing to do with anybody.

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