January 15, 2012

Are Chillies Good or Bad??

                                                                                                                                                                                                               This topic of my blog is a bit different from the rest of the other but as i say it is my random blog, i would like to post in various topics in my block and  i hope this post will be too quite fruitful to a lot of people who like chillies and are wondering if they are good or bad.

Chillies have been my favorite from the very childhood. I like to eat chilly with my meal. I have seen that many people hate chilli, they escape away and say it very bad. I am surprised, i find it not so unhealthy. It keeps me alert sometimes and produces a good feeling in the brain sometimes. Today i suddenly wanted to reveal if chilly is good or bad for our health. So i did some good search on the internet regarding the health issues of chillies and i would like to mention some of them in this blog.

I found many of the websites especially dedicated to the facts of chillies and they mention various benefits of chillies. In the website http://www.chilli-willy.com/chilli-health-benefits/  , they talk about the incredible health benefits of eating chillies. The main component in chilli is a chemical called capsaicin, which has a chemical formula 8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide, (C18H27NO3),  named after the genus Capsicum. This component is responsible for producing a sensation of burning in the tissue of mammals while eating a chilly. An interesting fact why plants produce capsaicin is by doing so the pepper plants prevent animals from eating its fruits but birds do not feel the burning sensation and they eat the fruits and responsible for spreading the seeds (Nature is wonderful!!).

I am amazed i find a lot of health benefits of this chemical which is present in chillies than its demerits. Some of the health benefits of this chemical are:
  1. Capsaicin is used in many topical ointments used to relieve the pain of peripheral neuropathy (treatment of pain in the nerve endings near the surface of the skin).
  2. Capsaicin might protect against gastric ulcers.
  3. Capsaicin seems to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis 
These are some of the benefits of the chemical capsaicin. I now try to summarize some of the benefits of eating chillies (as included in a lot of the sources in internet).
  1. Chillies lower the blood sugar level and can be a medicine for diabetic patients according to team of researchers at The University of Tasmania,in july 2006.
  2. Chillies can help heart health by increasing the blood circulation and also help protect against strokes.
  3. Red chillies have high vitamin C and pro-vitamin A.
  4. Chilli peppers have high vitamin B6 content.
  5. Chillies have low sodium but high potassium, magnesium and iron.
  6. They can be an excellent source of fibers.
  7. The consumption of chillies triggers the release of ‘feel good’ endorphins, which result the ‘good’ attitude towards general well being (very interesting value!!). 
  8. Chillies can even act as an therapeutic agent. It can prevent some of the problems like headaches, migraine and discomfort caused by sinus allowing them to relax more easily.
  9. Chillies helps relief congestion easily.
  10. Lowers the risk of stomach and prostrate cancer etc. (sounds weird but studies have shown that Capsaicin inhibits cancer cell growth.)
  11. Also studies reveal that eating chillies can raise your metabolic rate by up to 23% for about 3 hours. So it can also be used to burn fats.
Oh my god, I am really amazed to see such many benefits of eating chillies and above all it makes food tasty too for some of the chilli addicts. The benefits of chillies are too much but one should not overdo it and it is also not so possible because chillies burn the tissue of any brave person too. The main aim of my post is to understand is chilly really bad for health and i found besides its burning the tissue, there are no such demerits of chillies but a lot many merits of chillies. However one should always consult a doctor or therapist before eating chillies if they harm them. Above points are just my collection from some of the internet resources and they may not be 100% accurate too as they are not all taken from the official sites.

I hope you enjoyed reading and knowing some of the benefits of chillies which is not known to most of the people.

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