February 15, 2017

म एकतमास मैनको उज्यालोलाई हेरिरहें

म एकतमास मैनको उज्यालोलाई हेरिरहें
मैन आफु जलेर अरुलाई उज्यालो छर्छे
आफु मरेर अरुलाई खुसी तुल्याउछे
त्यो त्याग देखेर म छक्क परें
मेरो आखा अगाडि नाचिरहेकी मैन देखेर म छक्क परें
कति खुसीले टिलपिलाएकी त्यस्तो पीडामा पनि
अरुको खुसीमा आफु रमाउने कस्तो राम्रो बानि
तिमि निर्जीव छौ भन्छन, सोच्दिनौ अरे केहि पनि
तर म मानव भएर पनि खै कहाँ छु तिमि जति ज्ञानी
म त केवल आफ्नै लागि बाचिरहें
आफ्नै स्वार्थको भुमरीमा घुमिरहें
म र मेरो भनेर भौतारिदैं यताउति डुलीरहें
आफ्नै निम्ति मात्र, केवल आफ्नै निम्ति।

गन्तब्यको खोजीमा कति गन्तव्यहीन यात्राहरु गरें
समयलाई पछ्याउदैं कल्पनाको दुनियाँमा कति ठुला ठुला महलहरु खडा गरें
कहिले यता कहिले उता, कहिले बिज्ञान कहिले पैसा
कहिले जागीर कहिले इज्जत, कहिले मान कहिले सम्मान
अनि कहिले आफूभित्रको त्यो पूर्ण अभिमान,
यी दिनचर्यामै बितिरहे समय पनि
आज तिमीलाई देखेर मैन, सोच्दै छु जीवन के हो भनी
यो त्याग र बलिदान हो या मान र अभिमान
यो चाहना र गन्तब्य हो या बाहिरि देखावटी सान
यो दुखै दुखको भुमरी हो या हाँसो को बहार
यो निष्ठा र कर्तब्य को पाठ हो या आँसुको सागर
खै मैंले बुझ्न सकिन केहि पनि,
यहि अबुझाइ मै म कुदिरहेछु,
पिछ्याइरहेछु समयलाई, पिछ्याइरहेछु भविष्यलाई
साना साना सपनाको दुनियाँ सजाएर
झिना मसिना यथार्थहरुमा अल्झेर अनि अल्झाएर।

त्यो वास्तविकताको बुझाइ छैन मसंग
त्यो जिन्दगीको बुझाइ छैन मसंग
म जिन्दगीको अर्थ खोज्ने कोसिसमा छु
मैनलाइ हेर्दै एकतमासले टोलाएर
अनि आफुले आफ्नै भित्रि मनलाई केलाएर।

मैंले विज्ञान पढें, गणीत पढें, इतिहास र भूगोल पढें
संसारभरका कलासंस्कृति र धर्म पढें, ब्रह्माण्डको खगोल पढें
मैंले विद्वानहरुका वाणी सुनें, कर्मठहरुका कहानी
मैले गुरुहरूका प्रबचन सुनें, योध्दाहरुका बादुरी
मैंले शाषकहरुका शासन देखें, मजदुरहरुका मजदुरी
मैंले धनीहरुका रबाफ देखें, गरीबहरुका मजबुरी
म प्रबिधिको चरम बिकास संगै जन्मे र हुर्कें
म संघर्ष र गरीबीको पराकाष्ठाबाट पनि गुज्रें
म कयौंपटक मृत्युको नजिक पुगेर बाँचे
म कयौंपटक बाँचेर पनि आफुलाई मृत पाएँ
तर खै अझै पनि जिन्दगीको बुझाइ पाउन सकिन
तर खै अझै पनि ब्रह्माण्डको भेउ पाउन सकिन
भौतिकताको भेउ पाउन सकिन
आध्यात्मिकताको मेसो पाउन सकिन,
म यहाँ किन र कसरी ? अहँ थाहा छैन
अब जाने कहाँ र कसरी ? अहँ थाहा छैन।

तर तिमीलाई देखेर मैन जिन्दगीको सानो पाटो बुझें
पीडामा पनि मुस्कुराउन सक्ने, रमाउन सक्ने र नाच्न सक्ने
आफ्नो सर्वस्व जलाएर दुनियाँलाई उज्यालो छर्न सक्ने
अन्धकार सखाप पार्ने र रोशनी बाँढन सक्ने
हरेक क्षण गदगदी र खुसी साट्न सक्ने

खुसीको आँसु झार्दै टिलपिलाएर तिमि नाचिरह्यौ
म तिमीलाई एकतमासले हेरेर जीवन विश्लेषण गरिरहें
तिमि भित्र त्यो जादु थियो, तिमि भित्र त्यो त्याग थियो
र मेरो हृदयलाइ खुसी पार्ने त्यो अर्कै अन्दाज थियो
अनि त्यहि पाठ नै मेरो जिन्दगीको विशेष ज्ञान थियो
त्यहि पाठ नै मेरो जिन्दगीको विशेष ज्ञान थियो।

August 02, 2016

टोलाएर अबेरसम्म हेर्दै बसें ताराहरु

टोलाएर अबेरसम्म हेर्दै बसें ताराहरु
बुझ्नै गार्हो भयो मलाई सृष्टिका ईशाराहरु
किन छ ब्रह्माण्ड  ? किन छौं हामीहरु ?
कत्रो छ संसार ? कहाँ छौं हामीहरु ?

बिहानीको सुर्य किरण झुल्किदै छ पूर्वबाट
नयाँ दिन, नयाँ जोश, नयाँ ऊर्जा, नयाँ आँट
कस्तो छ सुर्य प्रकाश ? किन छ दिनरात ?
कस्तो छ घामपानी ? किन छ रुखपात ?

प्रकृतिमा रमाउने हामी जस्ता धेरै अरु
हास्दैखेल्दै, रमाउदै यहिँ बाँच्ने हामीहरु
किन छ हाँसो खुसी ? किन छ माया ममता ?
किन छ ठुलो सानो ? किन छन् बिबिधता ?

भौतारिदै यताउति हिंड्ने डुल्ने हामीहरु
अटल बस्छन सधैभरि पहाड ढुंगा रुखहरु
किन छ चाल र चलन ? किन छ तल माथि ?
किन छ पूर्व पश्चिम ? किन छ दीशा गति ?

February 04, 2016

Thank You Moon.

I loved the view of that moon, real mooooooon. She was so clear, so beautiful, really an artistic piece, shining clearly just above the milky river -silently flowing with white and green water. The moon looked so near to me as if I could touch her with my hands, embrace her and caress her. Like me, all other people were lost in her beauty, the real beauuuuuuty. They were sitting on the bench by the side of the river and kept watching her continuously, there is no chance to look on the other direction. All were mesmerized by that view, all were so in love with her, an immense looooove. Only at that time, I realized why people worshiped moon for her beauty, only at that time I realized why moon is the only symbol of beauty. She is eternal, she is really a charm-the bright and shining, amazingly beautiful. Thank you moon for coming so elegantly and beautifully in my dream and letting me realize the eternal beauty.

August 26, 2015

बहादुर नेपाली

यो मेरो पहिलो  व्यंग कविता हो, देशको बिग्रदो परिस्थितिले मेरो मन रोएको छ र  अरु धेरैको मन पनि रोएको छ। तर हामी यो स्थिति सम्म आइपुग्दा पनि के हामीले अब आत्म-समीक्षा गर्नेबेला भएन र ? आखिर मर्ने मार्ने किन त ? आफ्नो बहादुरी देखाउनलाई नै हो ? वास्तविक बहादुरी भनेको लडाई र झगडामा हुन्न शान्ति र सौहार्दतामा हुन्छ। वास्तविक धर्म भनेको आध्यात्मिकता हो, अरु सबै ब्यैयक्तिक आस्था मात्र हुन् , जीवन र जगतको पूर्ण ज्ञान आफुमा हुन्छ अनि फेरि  किन धर्मको नाम मा यत्रो रडाको। देश भनेको सबैको हुन्छ, धर्ती सबैको साझा सम्पति हो , यो हामी जन्मनु भन्दा धेरै अगाडी देखि थियो र हामी मरेर गए पछि पनि धेरै पछि सम्म रहिरहन्छ अनि फेरि यी कुरामा हामी आफु आफुले झगडा गर्नुमा कुनै तुक छैन। यदि भबिस्यको सन्ततिको चिन्ता छ भने देशलाई बिकासको बाटो तर्फ डोर्याउने काम गरौं सबैजना मिलेर, मिलेमतोमा काम गर्ने हो भने हामी हाम्रो सन्ततिको लागि उज्ज्वल भबिस्य निर्माण गर्न सक्छौं, यसमा कुनै संका छैन , कमिलाको हुल बाट पाठ सिकौं।  सोच्न सिकौं र हल्लै हल्लाको पछि नलागौं।  

मर्ने मार्ने दुवै बहादुर
अनि बहादुर नै बहादुरले भरिएको
मेरो देश नेपाल।

आज प्रहरी मारेर बहादुर
हिजो घैंटो फोरेर बहादुर
कोहि गॊलि ठोकेर बहादुर
कोहि भाला रोपेर बहादुर
जुध्ने जुधाउने अर्का बहादुर
अनि बहादुर साँढेहरुले भरिएको
मेरो देश नेपाल।

कोहि गाडी जलाएर बहादुर
कोहि  गालि फलाकेर बहादुर
कोहि जाती उचालेर बहादुर
कोहि सत्ता टिकाएर बहादुर
यहाँ नाच्ने नचाउने अर्का बहादुर
अनि बहादुर नर्तकिहरुले भरिएको
मेरो देश नेपाल।

कोहि गाई नचाएर बहादुर
कोहि गाई पचाएर बहादुर
कोहि धर्म सजाएर बहादुर
कोहि धर्म गुमाएर बहादुर
कोहि अफवाह फैलाएर बहादुर
कोहि दंगा मच्चाएर बहादुर
बहादुर नै बहादुरले भेरिएको मेरो देशमा
म पनि बहादुर तिमि पनि बहादुर।

कोहि चरी बोकेर बहादुर
कोहि घैंटो च्यापेर बहादुर
कोहि चरी मारेर बहादुर
कोहि घैंटो फोरेर बहादुर
कोहि नसा पिएर बहादुर
कोहि अनसन बसेर बहादुर
कोहि बच्चा मारेर बहादुर
कोहि ज्यान दिएर बहादुर
कोहि टाएर बालेर बहादुर
कोहि कर्फ्यु लाएर बहादुर।

तिमि छ भन्ने पनि बहादुर
तिमि आठ भन्ने पनि बहादुर
तिमि थारु भन्ने पनि बहादुर
तिमि दारु भन्ने पनि बहादुर।

जनजाति पनि बहादुर
बाहुनबादी पनि बहादुर
ती पहाडेहरू बहादुर
ती मधेशबादीहरु बहादुर
हामी बहादुर नेपालीको देशमा
आफ्नो आफ्नो बहादुरी प्रदर्शन भैरहन्छ
एउटा बहादुरले अर्को बहादुरलाई आक्रमण गरिरहन्छ।

हामी  लोभी-पापी बहादुर
हामी अल्छी ढोंगी बहादुर
हामी गफाडी नासमझ बहादुर
हामी नेपाली जन्मजात बहादुर।

कोहि स्वास्नी जलाउने बहादुर
कोहि बच्चा बलि दिने बहादुर
कोहि अपहरण गर्ने बहादुर
कोहि बलात्कार गर्ने बहादुर
लाखौं जनावरलाई एक साथ् निर्मम हत्या गर्ने
 हामी ममताहीन धार्मिक पाखण्ड बहादुर।

कोहि भ्रस्टाचार गरेर बहादुर
कोहि कारागार तोडेर बहादुर
कोहि भारतलाई सरापेर बहादुर
कोहि भारतलाई गुहारेर बहादुर
कोहि देशभक्तिको नाममा बहादुर
कोहि देशद्रोहको नाममा बहादुर
आखिर बहादुरीको बहाना धेरै छन्
हामी सबै एक प्रकारको पाखण्ड बहादुर।

अधिकार खोसेर बहादुर कोहि
अधिकार रोकेर बहादुर कोहि
डि भि पी आर बिरोधि एउटा बहादुर
डि भि पी आर मा मर्ने अर्का बहादुर
लिपुलेक भन्ने एउटा बहादुर
छुट्टो देश भन्ने अर्का बहादुर
यहाँ थरी थरी बहादुरी
अनि थरी थरी बहादुर
यिनै बहादुर नै बहादुरले भरिएको
मेरो देश नेपाल।


August 20, 2015

गीत वा गजल

हँसिलो त्यो तिम्रो तस्विर
आज मलाई कोर्न मन लग्यो।

मुटुभित्र लुकी बसेकी थियौ
निकालेर आज मलाई हेर्न मन लग्यो।  

कोर्दै छु म तिम्रा  ठूला  ठूला नजर
हृदयको मेरो नजरले
तिनै नजर भित्र छिरी
सौन्दर्यको तिम्रो संसार
आज मलाई हेर्न मन लग्यो।

कल्पनामा सधै मेरो सजिएर
नाच्दै आयौ तिमि छमछमछम
तिमि संगै रमाएर
तिमि संगै सजिएर
मलाई पनि आज नाच्न मन लग्यो।

सपनामा आउदा तिमि
मुस्काएर भागि रन्थ्यौ
त्यहि मुस्कान सम्झी सम्झी
मलाई आज तिम्रो पिछा गर्न मन लग्यो।
मलाई आज तिम्रो हाँसो कोर्न मन लग्यो।
मलाई आज तिम्रो तस्विर कोर्न मन लग्यो।

July 20, 2015

Space Exploration by Fishes

Imagine a situation or create an animation in your brain that there exists a very very deep well ( say about 600 m deep) and it is filled with water up to about  100 m. In the water there live very small fishes, they are so small that they can not even jump up to 2 m. The fishes are tiny and so small compared to the base of the well that they have no idea that even the well has boundary. To these fishes, the life outside the well is unimaginable. Neither do they know that they can not survive beyond water.  

There are smarties everywhere, one day a very smart fish started thinking that if he can jump more than his limit or not. He had never tried that and he wanted to try. He could not do at the first few attempts but he kept on trying and after more than 100 attempts, the fish was able to get a bit higher than he used to get. He was surprised. It was easier than he had imagined to swim at the higher level. He told this to some of the other smart members and his friends and few of them could swim to the higher level of water but it took them a lot of time and even many fishes died and they also do not know how high is the water level. But the fish kept on wondering, something stuck to his brain and   the smartest fish  started thinking what might exist beyond. He started thinking that if there exist something else outside their universe (the 100 m deep water ) and he started analyzing if there exist the other universe. 

He discussed with some other fishes and they all started thinking. They planned to make a small jet like device to reach up to the highest level possible. The smartest brain of the fishes gather together to build a much larger device than them that can fly and float up onto the surface of the water. After a long work and effort, they developed a small device, which they named as "fish-flier"  that could take one or two fishes at a time to the higher level of water. At the same time they developed a small telescope that can see whats happening at higher level. Now, the smart fishes are not giving up; they want to explore and find out what exist beyond.

The first exploration of space by these fishes begun and they launched  their first "fish-flier", that can go up to 20 m and that already gave the idea to those fishes that they can go far beyond that and it is not stopping there. They developed better telescopes that can view up to the surface of the water. And that was the most surprising point to them to see that there is no water beyond certain level and they wanted to reach to that point. After long effort, some smarties in the group are able to design an efficient and highly functioning fliers that can take a bunch of them to the water surface. Some of the fishes reached to the surface of the water and their mission was successful but the fishes when exposed to the air beyond water for sometime stopped breathing and some of them died while some of them quickly figured out that they could not survive beyond water and got back to the water.

This mission left the fishes with one of the greatest findings of their time. They were so happy to announce that there exist the other universe, there exist something beyond where they have been living. Now, they started exploring more and wondering more to go beyond. They know they would not survive there but they want to see and explore beyond their walls. The fishes soon built much more powerful telescopes and also a sealed rocket like devices which they named "fish-rocket", which can fly much faster than the fliers. Since the well is cylindrical, they could see only the hollow surface reaching to the mouth of the well. 

Fish rockets were filled with water, because they had already discovered that was most vital for their life. They collected some wood and developed the propelling force. It really took a life time for a lot of the smart fishes to come up with the new ideas and discovery. They did a lot of experimentation and hit and trial. They studied the phenomenon occurring on the water level and on the surface beyond the water. Some of the fishes lived on the surface of the water for a long time and sent results to the ones who were developing devices at the bottom.

One day while observing via the telescope, one of the fishes saw some birds flying above the well. They looked so blurred but he immediately recognized that there is life beyond their universe and the fish started crying and bursting out "EUREKA", "EUREKA". The fish is now the greatest celebrity, he discovered that the life exists beyond their boundary, life exists beyond their universe and soon they found that the UNIVERSE is much bigger than they knew previously. The space exploration mission kept on improving on the base of the well. Many fishes are highly concentrated on the life beyond the well.

With the knowledge they have and their constant effort and exploration, finally the fishes made a very stable device that could fly much higher and also on the air not only on the water. By then they had also discovered the walls of the well to rest the device they had discovered. The devices, they invented took them many days and after many days, finally three smart fishes reach the top surface of the well and they are still praised at the bottom of the well. To their surprise, the fishes were so amazed to see that a much much bigger surface exists beyond, much much bigger animals exist beyond and whatever they call universe is just a very very very smallest part of what is beyond.

The fishes could sense and they started living there on the surface but on their sealed device as long as they contain water. Soon they developed a technique to refill the water and started living on the surface easily. Now the fishes are learning more about this new universe and they got to know about the  so called smartest creature- the human beings. To their wonders, the fishes found out that the earth is so huge but the human beings are still exploring very hard to go beyond their boundary because they have already found that there exist another huge universe, much bigger than this earth. The fishes laughed, "that might be  true"- they thought.

The fishes were smart enough, they thought they made a huge leap to discover a new universe but what goes beyond is infinite. They took a deep breathe and realized that this keeps on continuing and they could not imagine the vastness of the universe. What fish considered infinite was just a very very tiny fraction for human, what human considered infinite might be a very very tiny fraction for superhuman and what superhuman considered infinite might be a very very tiny fraction for super super human. We do not know till date who are these super human but we are sure that the infinite chain exists and it continues existing.

The constant effort of fishes are praiseworthy and their exploration was praiseworthy. Even though it makes no value to human, it makes a lot of meaning to the fishes who live deep under the well. It is the same to us, though our discovery makes no meaning to the someone else who already know that we exist, it makes a lot of meaning to us and let us not stop exploring. Exploration is what keeps us going.

June 22, 2015


आत्मग्लानी भयो मलाई, म त्यति कठोर पनि थिइन ,
ती बुढी आमै जो  बीस पैसा माग्दै थिइन् मसंग,
मैले त्यो पनि तीन्लाई दिइन
म के ठुलो कुरा गरूँ ? म के दान्बीर झैँ फलाकुं ?
मैंले किन दिन सकिनँ, मलाई थाहा छैन
बीस पैसा दिएर मेरो केहि सकिने त थिएन,
म बोल्दै नबोली हिँडे, म सुनेको नसुनै गरेर हिँडे
त्यसैमा आत्मग्लानी भयो मलाई ।

हुन त धेरैले माग्छन, धेरैले हात थाप्छन
सबैलाई दिन पनि सकिन्न भन्ने तर्क गर्छु होला म,
तर त्यो बीस पैसा माग्ने बुढी आमै मेरो दिमागमा घुमिरहिन
मेरो मनमा आएर मलाई गाली गरिरहिन
ती बिशेष बुढी आमैलाई मैंले  किन दिन सकिनँ , मलाई थाहा छैन
मैंले   दिनुपर्थ्यो, मैले उन्लाई सम्मान गर्नुपर्थ्यो,
त्यसैमा आत्मग्लानी भयो मलाई ।

मैंले त्यतिबेला ती बुढी आमै बन्न सकिनँ ,
मैंले त्यतिबेला उनको मर्म बुझ्न सकिनँ ,
हतार हतार   भए जसरी उनीबाट भागीहिंड़े,
उनी कोहि खराब मान्छे थिइनन् ,
मैंले किन उनको वास्ता गरिनँ, मलाई थाहा छैन
मैंले वास्ता गर्नुपर्थ्यो, मैंले उनीसंग बोल्नुपर्थ्यो,
त्यसैमा आत्मग्लानी भयो मलाई ।

धेरै बेर सोचें, यथार्थ पल्टाउने कोसिस गरेँ
दोषी को थियो, मलाई  थाहा छैन
म अरुको बारेमा धेरै भन्छु, अरुको नराम्रो धेरै सुन्छु ,
आफ्नो अगाडिको त्यो सानो सहयोग गर्न म किन हिच्किचएं ?
म त्यति निष्ठुरी किन बनेँ, मलाई थाहा छैन
म दयावान हुनुपर्थ्यो , मैले सहयोग गर्नुपर्थ्यो,
त्यसैमा आत्मग्लानी भयो  मलाई ।

हुन त ग्लानी धेरै कुरामा छन् मलाई,
सामाजिक बोधको आभास हुन नसकेकोमा ग्लानि छ ,
पारिवारिक कर्तव्यको कार्य गर्न नसकेकोमा ग्लानि छ ,
मसंग बहाना हुन्छन्  , मनगणन्ते कारण हुन्छन्
तर त्यो दानी क्षमताको अभाव हुन्छन् ,
 त्यो दयाको अभाव हुन्छन् , त्यो मायाको अभाव हुन्छन्
त्यो आत्मीयताको अभाव हुन्छन्
ती बुढी आमै जस्ता सयौं आमै हरु संग मेरो क्षमायाचना  छ ,
आफू कर्तब्यनिष्ट हुन नसकेकोमा आत्मग्लानी भयो  मलाई ,
 त्यो मेरो कठोरतामा आत्मग्लानी भयो मलाई    
त्यो मेरो कठोरतामा आत्मग्लानी भयो मलाई    ।।

June 18, 2015

Red Peaches

There was a tree with red peaches of all sizes growing over it. The sizes vary from a very small to very big (imagine the biggest peach possible) but all look equally beautiful and equally mesmerizing. I was caught by the beauty of these peaches. They were so compactly grown and so red that anyone who saw them cant stop looking at them again and again. So I kept on staring at them as long as I could from the window of my room. The magical looking tree was grown by the side of the house where I was residing only for that particular night and that was my sister's house.

Unfortunately, beauty doesn't last long. I realized that someone else was cutting the beautiful tree at the top. I could not really see who he or she was but I could see all the peaches being disturbed and the sound of the axe was shaking the whole house and especially my room. The sound fell directly to my ear. I opened the window and went closer and closer.

I felt very sorry for the tree and all those beautiful peaches, I also felt very sorry for that person who was not seeing the beauty in the tree and chopping her off. She is the mother of so many beautiful children and that man had no mercy. He didn't see the love of mother onto the eyes of the tree. I was worried a bit but I kept looking.

The tree looked far to me but I felt that she was staring at me too. I watched till she felt with all the peaches, but when she felt she fell down with all the peaches near to my window. I could not believe this miracle. Many peaches came to my hand, I could not catch them all. I tried and my hands were not enough to catch all of them. But luckily, I could catch the biggest of them all. I felt so happy that at least I could save one of her most valuable children. I would love to catch all of them and preserve them forever in my place but I could not do that. All others kept falling down from my window pane and I had no choice but to watch them fall apart and land on the ground.

Now there is no more this mesmerizing tree, there are no more peaches on the trees. All the peaches have fallen to the ground and they are slowly losing their beauty and values. But this large beautiful peach is still in my hand. This wonderful gift from the nature to me. I was trusted by her mother to save her for the rest of the life.

I never saw the man or woman who fell that beautiful tree but I was left this wonderful ripen red and the biggest peach, the wonderful gift I have ever had. I would never forget what happened and that beauty always inspires me to love the nature and be one with the nature.

Though this was my dream, it was very inspiring and heart touching incident that occurred to me. I would urge all to love the nature and feel for her. She is living like we do and the more we love nature, the more we live a peaceful and joyful life. We can't brutally kill any element of the nature, she feels it and we are the one who have to repay. Lets love nature.

May 07, 2015

Adding up an extra dimension- the dimension of knowledge

"Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called the matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."
------Albert Einstein.

My philosophy and belief at this stage is that we are multi-dimensional being and so is the universe. We see and feel in a 3 dimensional sense externally because we are designed to feel and see in the three dimensional manner. Till date there are no scientific explanations or theories of the human life and the universe based on the multi-dimensional understanding. String theory explains the universe as being an eleven dimensional wave, which deals only with the universe and still carries many controversy among the scientific community.Since everything is part of the universe, each object, each phenomenon and each being in the universe is multi-dimensional. 

Hence, this rises questions on what are the extra-dimensions beside those that we can observe and how many dimensions are possible. We have no idea and no scientific proof on these facts. However, in this article I am writing only my personal belief and my feelings without any rigorous scientific proof. The most important fact about the existence of the universe is the knowledge or information. We exist because we know we exist and existence is completely a relative concept. The fact that information is contained in all beings and the existence is linked with the information is completely forgotten when explaining the universe only based on the space and time. Thus, one of the must added dimensions besides space and time at this stage to the engineering and scientific  principles and also to the human life is the dimension of the knowledge.

The dimension of knowledge actually determines how strong and how intelligent we are. This means we can measure the intelligence of any system based on the amount of information or the amount of the knowledge it possesses. So I have called this concept as adding an extra dimension to the physical phenomenon. I believe our thoughts are multi-dimensional. Since we think what we already know or what we have not seen or known but we have imagined, one of the dimension in the thoughts is obviously knowledge or the information. Imagination and dream are also multi-dimensional. It means the things which we cant see but that exists with us every time are multi-dimensional.

One of my greatest desires in life is to model thoughts, imagination and dreams. One of my greatest desires in life is to model the desire itself. It means I have to move towards the multi-dimensional spectra. Observing and seeing things in the lower dimension is not quite helpful for me to be successful in my goals. Thats why I am concerned about multi-dimensional universe and multi-dimensional human beings. When we can view things multi-dimensionally we can view thoughts, we can view dreams and we can view visualization. I think this was also the explanation of some of the eastern philosophers and gurus, who are believed to have reached in their higher dimensional states by meditating and arousing their inner self. Since they have achieved it, since they have shown to be internally and spiritually successful, why is science and engineering lacking in describing such a great magic that had existed in the world from ages.

The next generation research should go in this direction of taking the human invention to the higher dimension and one of the way that we can immediately take is to consider the dimension of knowledge and information available to the individual. This is also equally valid for the invention and the technology we are designing in the future. Adding up more and more dimensions to a problem makes it complicated and difficult to think but in real life a problem can have multiple dimensions and constraints that has to be looked into. The more the dimensionality of a problem can be exploited the more the benefit can be taken from it. So the motto is increase the dimensionality of thinking and vision as much as you can. To achieve more, it should be exploited more upto the achievable limit. This is the fundamental fact of the real life and so is the fundamental fact of research. Optimization and exploitation are the two facts that have to be considered while seeing the problem and analyzing the achievability.

So this has led to the assumptions that we can add some more dimensions in the communication systems and that dimension can be the dimension of the channel knowledge or it can also be considered as a constraint. The channel which is quite a random factor in wireless communication is not properly looked after or in other words there is very less knowledge about the channel at the transmitter. But likewise the channel is not also completely unknown. It can be statistically studied, it can be studied with error and it can be estimated in one way or the other. However how good we are in estimating the channel is a question.

The major drawback of the algorithms like interference alignment is that the channel should be perfectly known to the transmitter to design the precoder that would align the interference, which is often not true in real life. However, in real life we always do not talk about a fully connected channel or completely random channel whose CSI cant be estimated with some errors. How much error in the channel should the interference alignment allow is a question. The answer is earlier interference alignment requires perfect channel knowledge.

Is feedback the only way to improve the degrees of freedom of the interference channel? How has feedback played a role in the interference channel is the core of the talk by Dr. Vincent Poor on the conference,where he mentioned that the generalized degrees of freedom can be improved by the help of delayed feedback. One of the interesting concepts that is discussed is the concept of spatio-temporal variation of the feedback. By this we are exploiting the variability of feedback in the communication system.

Suppose a base station with $K$ antennas is transmitting to the $K$ users at the same time. Each user has a desired signal and remaining $K-1$ interference signals. Determining the capacity region of such an interference channel is an open problem since decades. However there has been an extensive study in determining the pre-log factor or the degrees of freedom of such channels where interference is the major limitation. Researchers have come up with the number of ideas to play with the interference. They have come up with the different view points of seeing the interference. Actually how harmful or useful is the interference is still an open issue. The good thing about interference is that it is a power and there should be a number of ways how this power can be useful.

Besides the number of approaches that have been mentioned in the literature about dealing with the interference like interference alignment and interference containment, interference cancellation, interference exploitation etc. We should also broaden our vision on how to take the good from the 'so called bad'. Is there a way to take the good out from the bad? Is there a way to view interference as a good friend rather than an enemy. Research should also focus towards this area. The area is still open and very few researchers have come up with the ideas that the interference power can be harvested and used to charge the number of systems without wire. So it has opened up one idea of thinking about the usefulness of the interference.

Efficient mitigation of interference is the other research area that many communication engineers are presently working. Interference alignment is one of the hottest topics among them. It is the generic idea to allow more degrees of freedom to the desired signal by restricting the interference signals to the lower dimensions.

In what case can the feasibility of interference alignment be determined in the absence of the channel knowledge? What approaches can be taken into consideration so that optimum benefit with less channel knowledge can be obtained.

March 08, 2015

To the Horizon

I go far and far into the horizon.
   In that vast ocean, I swim and swim all the day and night
   up-to that point where I can touch the Sun.
 I reach that point where I relax completely
  and smile at first  and then laugh out loud
   and say - "That's it, that is the Sun I was trying to catch".
I go nearer and nearer and embrace him with love;
   the Sun, which I was after from sometime is now with me
   in my arms and I am on this far distance,
      I am on the horizon.
When I look back now, I see no coast,
   I see no water, I see no vast ocean.
I just see a very very wonderful view
   and the curvature of the beautiful earth
   enlightened by extremely pleasant and miraculous sunlight.
 Now only the Sun and me are enjoying this beauty,
   this magical moment and this miraculous moment.
I wish I live there,
 I live on the horizon forever
  and enjoy this view ever and ever again. 

August 06, 2014

क्षणक्षण नै म हुँ

सोचिरहेको छु म क्षणक्षणमा
त्यसैले सोचाइ नै म हुँ।

बगिरहेको छु म क्षणक्षणमा
त्यसैले बगाइ  नै म हुँ।

सिकिरहेको छु म क्षणक्षणमा
त्यसैले सिकाइ नै म हुँ।

बाँचिरहेको छु म क्षणक्षणमा
त्यसैले क्षणक्षण  नै म हुँ।

म बहाव हुँ, म छाल हुँ,
म अदृश्य तत्व हुँ, म सोच हुँ,
म ज्ञान  हुँ, म विज्ञान पनि  हुँ,
म सम्भव हुँ, म असम्भव पनि  हुँ,
म भय  हुँ, म अभय पनि  हुँ,  
म जीत हुँ , म हार पनि हुँ,
म शक्ति हुँ, म आशक्ति पनि हुँ,
त्यसैले त्यो मन नै म हुँ
त्यसैले त्यो सोचाइ नै म हुँ।

सोचाइ बदलिन्छ, म बदलिन्छु
मन बदलिन्छ, म बदलिन्छु।
सम्भव सोच, सम्भव भैदिन्छु
असम्भव सोच, असम्भव भैदिन्छु।
हार  सोच, हार  भैदिन्छु
जीत  सोच, जीत  भैदिन्छु।  
शक्ति  सोच, शक्ति  भैदिन्छु
आशक्ति सोच, आशक्ति  भैदिन्छु।

त्यसैले विश्वास नै म हुँ
त्यसैले क्षणक्षण नै म हुँ।
 बाँचिरहेको छु म क्षणक्षणमा
त्यसैले क्षणक्षण  नै म हुँ। 

Be on the Minority

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, its time to pause and reflect"
                                                                                     ------ Mark Twain.
When I read this quote for the first time, I kept on thinking for minutes. I realized that most of us are following blindly what majority of other people are doing and majority of  people like to live a very secure and predictable life. They know exactly what they are going to do because they follow the majority and  a secure path. They find a job, marry, give birth to the children and keep on earning for their children. They continue to work and get promotion on the job, buy a house for the family, once or twice a year go abroad with the family, enjoy the available modern benefits and so on. To achieve these benefits, they have studied till they are 28 or 29 years old, they have a Masters or even PhD degree in hand and they start working in a company if they really like or not.

They work for the family, they work for the society and they work for the other people but they never work for themselves. This is the tragedy of life of most of us. We follow exactly what the rest of the people are doing in the world. We are so afraid to take risks and move forward differently than others.

 It is a crystal clear fact that only those people who have taken risks, who have thought differently and who have dreamed to change the world are the few successful people in the world. These people are the ones who would like to be on the side of the minority. They are the ones who love to do something unlike the majority of the people. They are the ones who bring their creativity and acted upon their sole philosophy of life. They are the ones who worked when people called them crazy. They are the ones who went to the extra miles and worked on the extra mile where nobody could disturb them.  They have left the clear and big footprints to the world. Hence, they are the ones who are always remebered by the generations to come. They are the ones who are always praised for their work.

So clearly realize where the majority of people are leading us, think once where you are heading towards and if you are going to fall on the same trap as the rest of the 95% people in the world, it is time to pause and think. It is time to choose the footsteps of the 5%. Follow the footsteps of these successful minority.  

No Worries

When some love brings hatred
When some joy brings tear
When some faith creates disbelief
When some dare creates fear.

When some laughter brings sorrow
When some fun brings pain
When some victory brings defeat
When some sun brings rain.

When some simplicity brings difficulty
When some softness brings hardness
When some luck brings disaster
When some light brings darkness.

Remember it is the part of life
Remember to proceed and thrive
Because every great success that comes
Is followed by hardship, difficulty and strive.


I am bewildered
     I am honored
I am loved
     I am purified.

That me within me
     That self of myself
that belief and that thought
     that serenity and that peace.

I am blessed
    I am helped
I am served
    I am perplexed.

That wonderfulness within me
     That amazement and that awesomeness
That beauty and that persistence
     That compassion and that perserverence.

I am happy
    I am overfilled
I am joyful
    I am praised.

I dream that Nature

The flowers are blooming
    there I dance by the side
The serene river is flowing
   there I lay by the beach
The sunlight is emerging into the dense wood
   there I walk to find the soothing peace
The warmth of the love from nature
  on every side where I go by

The moon is looking at me from the window.
The rainbow is hobbling around in a dizzling day
The beauty and sound of the lovely falls
The silence of the astounding ponds

There I sit by and dream
There I dream the whole day
There I dream the whole night

I reside by the nature
I reside by the beauty
I dream again and again
I dream that beauty
I dream that nature
I dream that love
I dream that serenity and peace

Nature near by you
I am always there.

April 02, 2014

Love on the horizon

I saw the love on the horizon
The love, moving towards me
The love, likely to embrace me.

Hey my love, my beauty
 I am eagerly waiting for you
 Look at my eyes and feel my heart.
 They are filled with you for you
 Touch my forehead and caress my hair 
 You feel, I have your presence in me.

Hey my love, hey my life
Catch the speed of the light 
Carry the beauty of the moon
 Bring the feelings of the nature
  I am eager to hug you 
  I am eager to touch you
  I am eager to expand you
  I am eager to love you, my love.

You in me is you in the universe
You in me is you in the nature
My love, move faster from the horizon
My love, catch the sun beam and spread towards me 
My love, fill me with you
My love, be in my every breath
My love, envelope me and cover my everytime.

      My love, I am waiting for you.
      My love, I am waiting for you.

January 08, 2014

तिमी को हौ ?

तिमी  को हौ ?
तिमी मह हौ कि मौरी,
तिमी उचाई हौ कि गौरी ,
तिमी चन्चलता हौ कि खानी,
तिमी शुशीलता हौ कि रानी  ?

तिमी को हौ?
तिमी जून हौ कि किरण,
तिमी ममता हौ कि मिलन,
तिमी निंद हौ कि सपना,
तिमी तृष्णा  हौ कि बिपना ?

तिमी को हौ ?
तिमी छाया हौ कि शीतल,
तिमी क्षितिज हौ कि बादल,
तिमी माया हौ कि धड्कन,
तिमी बासना हौ कि चन्दन ?

तिमी को हौ ?
तिमी बहाब हौ कि सरीता,
तिमी छन्द हौ कि कवीता,
तिमी संगीत हौ कि राग,
तिमी गजल हौ कि मीठास ?

तिमी को हौ ?
तिमी दृश्य हौ कि नानी,
तिमी सागर हौ कि पानी,
तिमी श्रद्धा हौ कि अर्चना,
तिमी पुस्तक हौ कि रचना ?

तिमी को हौ ?
तिमी आत्मा हौ कि जीवन,
तिमी शक्ति हौ कि इन्धन,
भनिदेऊ तिमी को हौ ?
भनिदेऊ तिमी कहाँ छौ ?
तिमी भित्र छौ कि बाहिर,
तिमी दृश्य छौ कि अदृश्य ?

तिमी को हौ ? तिमी कहाँ छौ ?
भनिदेऊ तिमी को हौ ?
भनिदेऊ तिमी कहाँ छौ ? 

November 12, 2013

म बाकसबाहिर सोचिरहेछु

म बाकसभित्र थुनिएको छैन अब
म बन्द भएर बसेको छैन अब
म खुला आकाशमा उडिरहेछु
म स्वतन्त्र भएर घुमिरहेछु
म चेतनालाई जगाइरहेछु
म बाकसबाहिर सोचिरहेछु ||

म असम्भवलाई चुनौती दिन्छु
म असक्ष्यमताको धज्जी उडाउँछु
म सपनाको दुनियाँ रच्छु
म स्वप्निल्ताको सिर्जना गर्छु
म बेथितिको बिरोध गर्छु
म जागरणको बीज रोप्छु
म बिगत भुल्छु
म भबिस्यको संरचना गर्छु
म सबैतिर सोचिरहेछु
म सबैतिर पुगीरहेछु
म ब्रहमाण्डलाई बाहिरबाट हेरिरहेछु
म बाकसबाहिर सोचिरहेछु ||

म पुन: बच्चा  भएँ
म पुन: अन्जान  बनें
म सुरुदेखि सोच्न लागें
म दुनियाँ भुलेर सोच्दै रहें
म भित्रभित्रै बाहिर देख्छु
म बिबिधतामा एकता भेट्छु
म क्षितिज पारि उडिरहेछु
म बाकसबाहिर सोचिरहेछु ||

म सबै समान देख्छु
म सिर्जनामा सौन्दर्य भेट्छु
म प्रकृतिको मर्यादा गर्छु
म भबिस्यको परिकल्पना गर्छु
म सम्भाव्यताको आँकलन गर्छु
म सुख दुख एकै ठान्छु
म पानी संगै सल्बलाउछुं
म हावा संगै उडी भाग्छु
म मनभित्रै हुन्छु
म मनभित्रै घुल्छु
म सपना देख्छु
म बिपना कोर्छु
म स्वतन्त्र भएर उडिरहेछु
म बाकसबाहिर  सोचिरहेछु ||

म बाकसभित्र थुनिएको छैन अब
म बन्द भएर बसेको छैन अब
म खुला आकाशमा उडिरहेछु
म स्वतन्त्र भएर घुमिरहेछु
म चेतनालाई जगाइरहेछु
म बाकसबाहिर सोचिरहेछु ||

October 27, 2013

म देश भनि भनि

म देश भनि भनि लडिरहे हरघडी
ममतामा मारिएका शबहरु वरिपरि
म पनि आत्मा बने देशको निम्ति
रास्ट्रहित र स्वाधिनताको निम्ति
आखिर मैले किन मारें ? म किन मरें ?
आखिर मैंले युद्ध किन लडें ?
मैंले सांकेतिक युद्ध लड्नु थियो नकि बारुदको युद्ध,
मैंले चेतनाको युद्ध लड्नु थियो नकि शारीरिक युद्ध
मेरो शत्रु व्यक्ति थिएनन्, मेरो शत्रु सामाजिक कुरीति थियो
आखिर मैंले व्यक्ति किन मारें ? मैंले चेतना किन छरिन ?
गल्ति मेरो थियो, मेरो युद्धको थियो
मेरो सोचाइको थियो, मेरो तरिकाको थियो
मैंले चेतना छर्नु पर्थ्यो, मैंले शान्ति रोज्नुपर्थ्यो
मैंले शिक्षा र समाज रोज्नु पर्थ्यो
मैंले युद्धको बाटो भन्दा फरक बाटो रोज्नु पर्थ्यो
म आत्मा बनेर छटपटाइरहें, युद्ध गरेकोमा थकथकाइरहें
आखिर मैंले किन मारें ? म किन मरें ?
मैंले माया गर्न सकिन, मैंले स्नेह छर्न सकिन
म देश भनि भनि युद्धमा होमिए
तर मैले देश रोइरहेको देख्न सकिन
तर मैंले देशको भावना बुझ्न सकिन
मैंले युद्धको आशय जान्न सकिन
म लडें, म मरें तर देशको ममता अजै छ
म पहल गरिरहेछु शान्ति छर्ने,
 म पहल गरिरहेछु ममता बाड्ने
म आत्मा बनेर देश हेरिरहेछु
म आत्मा बनेर देश बुझिरहेछु
युद्धमा देश रोएको छ, शान्तिमा देश हासेको छ
युद्धमा म पनि छटपटाएको छु, शान्तिमा हासेको छु
म हास्न खोजिरहेछु, म शान्ति खोजिरहेछु
म सामाजिक चेतनाको बिगुल फुक्न चाहन्छु
म शान्तिको आवहान गर्न चाहन्छु
म मरे पनि युद्ध निर्मुल पार्न चाहन्छु
म हास्न चाहन्छु, म देशलाई हसाउन चाहन्छु ||

October 17, 2013

म खुसी छु आज त्यो सपना देखेर

म खुसी छु आज त्यो सपना देखेर जहाँ सपनाहरु सपनाजस्तै थिए,
बिल्कुल मानसपटलका कल्पनाजस्तै थिए |
ती सपना आए र गए, त्यसैले त ढुक्क छु म आज ती सपना नै थिए |
ती बिरानो थिएनन्, चिरपरिचित थिए तर आखिर सपना  त सपना  नै थिए |

आज फेरी पल्टिने छु म तिनै सपनाहरु जस्तै सपनाको आशामा,
मानसपटलका कल्पनाहरुको आशामा |
फेरि  सपनाहरुको आशा सल्बलाए
फेरि आशाहरुको सपना देखें
तीनै सपनाहरुको कल्पनामा फेरि पनि सपना देखें
आखिर सपना विचार थियो, आखिर सपना कल्पना थियो
तीनै विचार र भावना भित्रको कल्पनामा सजिएको मेरो सपना सपना नै थियो
मेरो सपना सपना नै थियो ||

September 10, 2013

थाहा छैन समाज परिबर्तन भयो कि म परिबर्तन भएँ

गहन कुरा सोच्दै छु म आजकल, यथार्थ केलाउदै छु
थाहा छैन समाज परिबर्तन भयो कि म परिबर्तन भएँ
थाहा छैन समाज परिबर्तन भयो कि म परिबर्तन भएँ
जताततै आशै आशा र राम्रो नै राम्रो देखिरहेछु |
यो समाज कति चाडो बदलिएछ कि म यति चाडो बदलिएछु
म समाजलाई सुन्दर देखिरहेछु,
म समाज शान्त र कर्मशील देखिरहेछु
हेर्ने आँखा फेरे मैंले
आज मेरो समाज म मनको आँखाले हेरिरहेछु |
थाहा छैन मेरो मन बदलियो कि मेरो आँखा बदलियो
थाहा छैन मेरो मन बदलियो कि मेरो आँखा बदलियो
त्यो धमिलो लाग्ने आकाश पनि रंगिन देखिरहेछु,
ती झिना मसिना लाग्ने कामहरु महान र अति उपयोगी मनिरहेछु,
प्रत्येक व्यक्तिमा समान भावना र ममताको ईश्वरीय चमक देखिरहेछु ,
समाज यसरी नै अगाडी बढिरहेछ जसरी मनोरम प्रकृति आफ्ना प्राकृतिक सिद्धान्तहरुको नियममा अगाडी बढिरहेछ |
यहि नियम आलिङ्गन गर्ने प्रत्येक मनहरु समाजमा जतासुकै भेटिरहेछु,
भौतिकता र आध्यात्मिकता मिसाएर अगाडि बढिरहेछ समाज
म अचम्म देखिरहेछु, सुन्दर र शान्त मेरो समाज देखिरहेछु
बिपत्ति र कलह बिहिन मेरो समाज देखिरहेछु |
म सोच्दैछु गहन भएर,
जति जति गहन हुन्छु, त्यति त्यति बिशिस्ट समाज देख्दै छु म,
त्यति त्यति आत्मीय र मनमोहक प्रकृति देख्दैछु म;
त्यसैले त यो समाज प्यारो लाग्दैछ मलाई,
त्यसैले त यो प्रकृति प्यारो लाग्दैछ मलाई |
थाहा छैन समाज प्यारो भयो कि ममा प्यार बढ्यो,
थाहा छैन समाज परिबर्तन भयो कि म परिबर्तन भएँ
थाहा छैन समाज परिबर्तन भयो कि म परिबर्तन भएँ ||

September 03, 2013

म कुरा गर्छु

म सपनाकै कुरा गर्छु, म विश्वासकै कुरा गर्छु, अनि म आत्मियाताकै कुरा गर्छु |
म भावना भित्र सल्बलाउने आशाको कुरा गर्छु
म ममतामयी बनेर ममता बोक्ने हृदयको कुरा गर्छु
अनि म मनभित्र बुनिएका ती रमणीय र आत्मीय कल्पनाको कुरा गर्छु
बास्तबमा मलाई ती कुराहरु मननयोग्य लाग्छ, मन छुने खालका लाग्छ |
सायद कुरै कुराको दुनियामा कुरै कुराको संरचना खडा गर्ने कुरौटे बानि हाम्रो सदियौं देखि चलिआएको परम्परा हो, त्यै पनि कुरालाई कता मोड्ने र कुन दिशा दिने भन्ने विचार पुर्याउन सके कुनै कुनै कुरामा झिनो यथार्थ र बाक्लो औचित्य भने लुकेको हुन सक्छ |
यहि यथार्थ र औचित्य केलाउने कुरा गर्छु म
यहि मनगढ़नते मानसिक आकांक्षाका सात्विक र संरचनात्मक आवेग भित्र गुटमुटीएका आनन्दमय जीवनोपयोगी कुरा गर्छु म |
म आफुलाई आफु भित्र कल्पिएर हेर्छु अनि त्यसको विवेचनात्मकरुपमा कुरा गर्छु
म समाजलाई केलाएर हेर्छु अनि त्यसको बिश्लेषणात्मक कुरा गर्छु |
म सपनाको कुरा गर्छु, म भावनाको कुरा गर्छु, म आत्मीयताको कुरा गर्छु
म कुरा गर्छु अनि यिनै कुराले सामाजिक चेतना र सामाजिक भलो चिताउने प्रयत्न गर्छु
म कुरा गर्छु ||

म सपनाकै कुरा गर्छु, म विश्वासकै कुरा गर्छु, अनि म आत्मियाताकै कुरा गर्छु |
म भावना भित्र सल्बलाउने आशाको कुरा गर्छु
म ममतामयी बनेर ममता बोक्ने हृदयको कुरा गर्छु
अनि म मनभित्र बुनिएका ती रमणीय र आत्मीय कल्पनाको कुरा गर्छु 

September 02, 2013

खै त्यो सुगन्ध कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो सुगन्ध कहाँ छ ? त्यो बगैंचाको  फूल कहाँ छ ?
यता उता खोजि रहें, खै त्यो बासनाको मूल कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो चन्चलता कहाँ छ ? त्यो झरनाको पानी कहाँ छ ?
भौतारिदै खोजि रहें, खै त्यो बहाबको खानी कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो सुन्दरता कहाँ छ ? टुलुटुलु हेर्ने आखाँको नानी कहाँ छ ?
कता कता खोजि हिडें, खै  त्यो ममताको रानी कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो हाँसो कहाँ छ ? त्यो इन्द्रेणीको मुस्कान कहाँ छ ?
कल्पी कल्पी हेरी रहें, खै त्यो क्षितिज पारिको अस्मान कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो स्पर्श कहाँ छ ? मन्द वायुको आलिङ्गन कहाँ छ ?
सपनामै कुरी बसें, खै तिम्रो र मेरो मिलन कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो आवेग कहाँ छ ? त्यो गद्गदे खोलाको भेल कहाँ छ ?
आशै आशामा बसी रहें, खै यो ममताको मेल कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो सुगन्ध कहाँ छ ? त्यो बगैंचाको  फूल कहाँ छ ?
यता उता खोजि रहें, खै त्यो बासनाको मूल कहाँ छ ?

खै त्यो चन्चलता कहाँ छ ? त्यो झरनाको पानी कहाँ छ ?
भौतारिदै खोजि रहें, खै त्यो बहाबको खानी कहाँ छ ?

August 30, 2013

मैंले कल्पनामा एउटा ठाउँ देखें

मैंले  कल्पनामा एउटा ठाउँ देखें,
मैंले  सपनामा एउटा ठाउँ देखें,
मेरो मस्तिष्क भित्रको आँखाले एउटा ठाउँ देखें |
मैंले सुरम्यताको ताज देखें, सौन्दर्यताको अनौठो छनक देखें
गोलाकार परिधि भित्र अटाएको सजावट देखें
मैंले त्यहाँ पुतलीको नाच देखें, पन्छिहरुको उदारता  देखें
जनावरहरुको चंचलता देखें, अनि मानवहरुको स्वाधिनता देखें |

मैंले अनन्तको क्षितिजलाई नजिकैबाट देखें
अनि मेरो गणीत भित्र त्यहाको गणीत मिसाएर हेरें
मैंले फेरि अनन्त र अनन्तको जोड घटाउ गर्दै अर्को अनन्त देखें
अनन्त भित्रको अनन्ततामा रुमल्लिएर हेरें
मैंले अन्तमा अर्को एउटा ठाउँ देखें |

मैंले त्यहाँ पनि सौन्दर्यता देखें, सुरम्यता  देखें
गोलाकार परिधि भित्रको सजावट र बनावट देखें
बोटबिरुवहरुको ममता देखें, प्रकृतिको स्नेहपन देखें
नीलो सगरको उचाइ देखे अनि नीलो सागरको गहिराइ देखें
मैंले यहाँको  शून्यता त्यहाँ केलाए
अनि यहाँको शून्यता र त्यहाँको शून्यता मिसाएर हेरें
मैंले फेरी शून्यता र शून्यताको जोड घटाउमा अर्को शून्यता देखें |

मैंले अनन्तता पनि देखें, मैंले शून्यता पनि देखें
मैंले गणीत पनि देखें, मैंले बिज्ञान पनि देखें
मैंले मस्तिस्क भित्रको आँखाले सबै देखें
सबैभन्दा ठुलो मैंले मेरो कल्पनाको ठाउँ देखें, मेरो सपनाको ठाउँ देखें ||

July 22, 2013

Mathematics of Life

"Everything is energy and thats all there is to it. Match the frequency of reality you want and you can't help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics. " -                                                                                                   Albert Einstein /Bashar /Darryl Anka

I am not quite sure who  quoted this statement because I found differnet names in different internet sources. So I have listed above more than one names  which I found in the internet. Whoever had quoted it,  I like this statement very much. I feel that there is some hidden essence and hidden meaniing of life in this statement.  Once I realized that everything is energy I can add some science in my life and try to explain it in a mathematical way. I am still not sure how difficult is the physics and mathematics of life, I am still not sure how to formulate the fundamental life equations. But by considering the essence or core of life as a form of energy, I would somehow be able to mathematically model it or I could realize and argue mathematically what the life can be.

Life is the most mysterious thing in the world and I am not still sure if science did much to understand this mystery. Does anyone know what is the physics behind life? Does anyone know what is the mathematics behind life? Does anyone have perfect model to "prediction and analysis of life"? There were few in the ancient days with the astrologers and some philosophers. Astrologers realized that there is mathematics behind life, astrologers realized that there is calculation behind birth and death. They do some form of calculation based on the number of factors that they believe affect the life and try to predict the life of an individual.  Depending on the statistical knowledge available and some few facts and consequences available in the olden days, they make some predictions which seem to be correct to some people but, truly speaking, that mathematics is getting older and the statistics is not enough to completely predict the future. 

This means we need some new ways and new techniques to define the mathematics of life. We need some believable proofs and calculations so that we can integrate all the factors that determine life. We need some mathematical tools which not only somehow predict the future but also gives us the ways to tune the imagination with the reality. Is it possible? Is there enough works done in this regard? Has anyone proposed a believable mathematical model to describe essentially what is life? Many philosophers have expressed their own views and attitudes towards life, but what is life to the science? What is the fundamental equation of life? Is there a single and simple equation that describes the whole life pattern and whole incidents that occurs in life?  This is still a major question and I believe yet to be addressed.

The statement quoted above somehow gave me a feeling that considering everything as an energy which seems logical in some way, life can also be defined as a form of energy. Considering it as a mere energy we can measure, formulate and design the essence of life. We can try to measure the potential or capacity or energy in ones life. We would see if somebody will someday propose the fundamental equations of life and explain the physics behind it in a very clear way and at that time I believe he will particularly use the fact that life is a mere energy. Essentially life is a soul, which is a form of energy, projected into the body. Body without soul is lifeless or body without energy is lifeless.