April 24, 2012

Dreams---What do I feel?

Once I read the article on BBC- 'Will we ever decode the dreams?', this article reminded me of some of the mystery about dream and some of my feelings over it. Earlier when i was working on wireless security, a weird thinking has come into my mind, i don't know how that can be implemented or will that be successful to work with. For a secure communication network we need randomness and to me the dreams are so random that they mix up all the information from all the time. I wanted to call that 'Dream network or dream secrecy' and analyse the same for the secure wireless communication. At that instant i again thought of the conscious and subconscious links associated with the brain. Sometimes when i read some articles or some books on neuro-science, i think the brain is the utmost fundamental thing that is present in the human body and i also feel that it is  ultimately possible to mimic the brain. The birth of neural network was almost the similar fundamental principle of mimicing the nerves and their connections for artificial communication. If I realize my nerves as the communication channel, it always transmits the signals that are coming from the outside, wirelessly, by seeing, touching, hearing or smelling and transmit them to the brain which is the central control and it does the work of coding and decoding. In each part of the brain, special functions are carried out. The brain determines which type of signals are intended to which part and performs the actions accordingly. This brain principle or brain work is analogous to lot of the fundamental wireless communication principles. So my thinking was to mimic dreams and utilize them for the secrecy of the wireless networks.  

When i read the article 'Will we ever decode the dreams?' I remember what i had thought earlier and it seems to be that, if we are able to decode dreams in one way or the other we can step a bit further in the technological advancement. Dreams are always amazing to me, my dreams at the night sometimes determine the next day performance. Though it sounds superstitious to some, it is true for me. Because the early morning, i wake up with very nice and interesting dream at night , that gives a new charm and interesting feeling to me to work the other day. Also, to me sometimes dream speaks, when i see a very wonderful and very very amazing but romantic and interesting dreams, i predict something good is gonna happen in my life and that comes true at the end of the day. So, i am always fascinated by the dreams. We see a lot of movies and read a lot of fictions regarding the dream stories and concepts that have been used to decipher the dreams. But in real life it is still not possible to measure and study the brain waves and decode the level of thinking of the brain waves when one is sleeping. 

Sometimes I dream of the childhood, sometimes I dream of the future and sometimes I dream of the incidents that have stroke in my mind for a long time. Sometimes I dream of really an interesting artificial story with the candidates that I know. Sometimes in the dream, it mingles a nice movie story and my personal story and creates other interesting story. Sometimes the drems are fantasy and sometimes the dreams are mere pain. So dreams are really unpredictable, the patterns are really unrelaizable and i have not been able to figure out my own dreams pattern. Each day dream comes to me and i try to remember all but its hard to remember all in the morning. I remember few and say wow that was the dream!! 

So again technically when i was talking about the dream networks for wireless security, i thought of it as a tool which mixes the information randomly, which has no pattern but at least decodable by only one person that is the one who dreams. So as a single person can only know what he has dreamed and there is no chance of other eavesdroppers knowing about it, the same fubdamental approach can be implemented to the secrecy. After all secrecy is the greatest need of the time in wireless communications.

That was just some relation of the dreams to my feelings and its utilization in the communication sector. But still the dreams are dreams and we are waiting for some technologies that could perfectly decode and understand the human brain and that can perfectly decode and interpret the dreams that come into the human brain. After all everybody says we are composed of energy and that energy which comes from the brain is electromagnetic energy, which is the same energy utilized for the wireless communications. Many spiritualists and neuro-scientists sometimes speak about the energy or aura emanating from the brain, they speak about the magic that can be performed when your brain is totally under your control or in other words the sub-conscious part of the brain is totally under your control. It is all related to the dreams, sometimes it is just we need not dream at nights only, we can dream during the day-time too and we can create that dreams by ourselves.

Afterall dreams are mystery to me and to other many peaople and even to many scientists who have been working on it, real interpretations or real decoding of the dreams are still a great field of research. So we hope one day, the decoding of the dreams be a great success and we could understand fully how this magical brain works during our sleep. 

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